採智科技股份有限公司(公司地址於台北市信義區松德路12號10樓,以下稱 採智科技),宣布已跟日本 RT Corporation (located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO Yukiko Nakagawa, 以下稱 RT)簽約,成為其機器人產品線的台灣代理商。

日本 RT 公司的機器人產品線,包含了 Micromouse 教育及競賽用的電腦鼠系列,以及多種研發教育用的人型機器人及機器手臂。這些產品都特別適合用來學習機器人學及AI,採智科技引進 RT 公司的機器人產品,可為台灣的教育、研發、及工商業領域的客戶,提供更優良,更廣泛的服務。
目前,透過引進機器人和 AI 來實現生產自動化是台灣的一個緊迫問題,而負責開發此類機器人和 AI 的工程師的教育,也變得越來越重要。採智科技將藉由提供 RT 公司的機器人及專業知識的教育訓練,為工程師的培訓盡一點棉薄之力。
┃RT 公司的機器人產品包含
Mobile robots 電腦鼠系列:
・Pi:Co Classic3 (international name: RT Micromouse Classic 經典電腦鼠)
・Training tracer 競速自走車
・Raspberry Pi Mouse 電腦鼠
・Jetson Nano Mouse 電腦鼠
・電腦鼠及比賽用之不同配件(如柱子,牆, …等)
┃有關 RT 公司簡介
Aiming to achieve a “Life with Robots”, the company is taking on the challenge of developing technologies in cutting-edge AI & Robotics, in a wide range of businesses, from training of highly skilled professionals in the fields of AI and service robotics, to in-house development of educational and service robots.
In recent years, taking advantage of the know-how and technology that the company has gathered throughout its business in robots for academic research, RT has developed solutions such as collaborative robots, AI Vision system for factories and design and production of entire processing lines, in order to solve the shortage of manpower in the food processing industries.
Company: RT Corporation
CEO: Yukiko Nakagawa
Established: September 2005
Business: Education business on robots and artificial intelligence, in-house development business, contracted development business, etc.
*Micromouse is a registered trademark of the New Technology Foundation.